We invite you to attend our 2025 Employer Meeting which will be held on Wednesday 19 March in the Council Chamber at Maidenhead Town Hall.
• 10:00am to 12:30pm
• Council Chamber, Town Hall, St. Ives Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1RF or via Zoom
This event will be conducted as a hybrid meeting so you will be able to join us in person at Maidenhead Town Hall or you can attend virtually and watch the meeting live on Zoom.
If you are attending in person light refreshments will be available from 9:30am.
To confirm your attendance please e-mail joanne.brazier@rbwm.gov.uk When e-mailing please confirm if you would like to attend in person or online. You will receive confirmation of your booking and the online meeting link.
The agenda items include:
- Pension Scheme and Regulatory update
- Administration update
- Investments update
- Actuarial Valutation update
- My Money Matters - Shared Cost AVCs