Auto-enrolment was introduced from 1 October 2012.
From this date (subject to the employer's own staging date), all 'workers' were auto-enrolled into a qualifying pension scheme without any active decision on their part to join the qualifying pension scheme.
Most larger employers will have already completed their first auto-enrolment exercise, however, some smaller employers will soon be approaching their 'staging date'.
To find your staging date visit the Pension Regulator website.
The Berkshire Pension Fund has produced a downloadable Auto-enrolment guide for employers.
Auto-Enrolment Reference Numbers
Pension Scheme Registry Number (PSRN) - 10027839
Employer Pension Scheme Reference Number (EPSR) - This is your unique 5-digit employer number within the Berkshire Pension Fund.
Find your EPSR number by downloading the auto-enrolment number list.
- Scheme Contracted Out Reference Number (SCON) - S2700137M
- Employer Contracted Out Reference Number (ECON) - E3900002R
- Pension Scheme Tax Reference Number (PSTR) - 00330385RV
Further guidance has been produced by Barnett Waddingham and The Pensions Advisory Service and these are presented below.
Barnett Waddingham Information Sheets
- Auto-Enrolment and Workplace Pension Reform - Information Sheet 1
- Auto-Enrolment Information Sheet - Information Sheet 2
- Auto-Enrolment and Workplace Pension Reform - Information Sheet 3
The Pensions Regulator
- Introduction to Workplace Pension Changes
- Workplace Pensions Law is changing - A brief overview of the new duties for employers
Auto-enrolment interactive tool