Combining your benefits

Information about combining your benefits.

Concurrent employment

If you have two or more contracts of employment within the LGPS you may have more than one pension building up at the same time while you do a variety of jobs. This is known as 'concurrent employment'.

How do I combine my concurrent benefits?

If you hold two or more employments at the same time and you leave one of them but continue in the other your deferred benefits (which are the benefits accrued in the job that you have left) are automatically merged with your continuing active job.

The formula for calculating the equivalent period of membership that will be merged with your active employment is detailed below:

Membership in job that has ceased X whole-time rate of pay in job which has ceased/whole-time rate of pay in continuing employment.

Do I have to concurrently merge my benefits?

We will automatically merge any concurrent periods of service which you may have. However, we will write to you once this has merged together and give you the option to reverse this procedure.

What are the disadvantages of concurrently merging?

I have set out below various points that you need to consider before deciding whether to keep your deferred benefits separate from your current employment or to concurrently merge the two periods together.