The McCloud Remedy

Information and advice about The McColud Remedy.

When the LGPS changed from a Final Salary to a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) pension scheme in 2014, protections for older scheme members were introduced.

Similar protections were provided in other public sector pension schemes. The Court of Appeal ruled that younger members of the Judges’ and Firefighters’ Pension schemes have been discriminated against because the protections do not apply to them.

The Government has confirmed that there will be changes to all main public sector schemes, including the LGPS, to remove this age discrimination. This ruling is often called the ‘McCloud judgment’.

From 1 October 2023 the McCloud Remedy comes into force. Click on the links below to find out more about the McCloud Remedy (you will be directed to the external National LGPS website): 

The Berkshire Pension team will be gathering data to identify those members who are affected by the judgement and if this applies to you, you will be contacted.

McCloud protection depends on when you were a member of the LGPS and any other public service pension scheme - so it would be helpful if you could complete a 'Public Service Pensions History' form which is available to download below: