Academy status

Guidance about Academy status and how to become a scheme employer.

Process of conversion

Prior to the school converting to Academy status it will be necessary to obtain from the Pension Fund Actuary an assessment of the school's pension liabilities in respect of its own scheme members and potential scheme members.

It is important that information relating to employees of a school considering its options to convert to Academy status is provided to the Pension Fund as early as possible.

The pension scheme administrators will supply the school with a data capture spreadsheet for completion. The details required in respect of each scheme member (and each employee who is eligible to contribute to the LGPS but who has chosen not to), are as follows:

  • Full Name
  • National Insurance Number
  • Sex 
  • Date of Birth 
  • Full Time Annual rate of Pensionable Pay
  • Contracted Weekly Hours
  • Contracted Weeks Per Year
  • Employee Pension Contribution Rate 
  • Whether Contributing to the LGPS or Not

The details supplied will be checked against the pension administration system and any discrepancies will be raised with the school.

Once the data is deemed to be accurate it will be submitted to the Actuary who will provide a report to the Pension Fund in line with their current fixed fee schedule, but the Fund will recharge the cost back to the School when it receives the Actuary's quarterly schedule of fees.