Non Members

Information on benefits, enrolment and costs

Members of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) receive an excellent range of benefits. The Scheme is set out in regulations and is very secure. As a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE), Defined Benefit (DB) pension scheme, the LGPS is considered to be one of the best pension schemes in the country.

Benefits of the LGPS

  • A retirement pension payable for life;
  • A retirement pension that increases each year in line with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI);
  • An option to purchase additional tax-free cash by converting part of your annual pension;
  • An option to purchase additional annual pension
  • A death grant equal to three times your annual pensionable pay in the event of your death in service;
  • A pension payable to your husband, wife, co-habiting partner or civil partner in the event of your death;
  • Pensions payable to your eligible children;
  • A pension payable immediately if you retire due to permanent ill-health;
  • You receive tax relief on your contributions - you pay less tax;
  • The option to decrease your monthly pension contribution.