Employer Forms and Guides

Employer Forms

Please find below the 2024/2025 employer forms for use when notifying the pension team of any amendments to a member's pensionable status. A number of guides are also available providing more detail about the administration of the LGPS. 

Employer Forms and Factsheets 

LGS1B – Brief Guide to the LGPS 

LGS15A – Admission to the Scheme

LGS15B – Changes to pensionable status     

LGS15C – Withdrawal from the Scheme 

LGS15C (i-Connect) - Withdrawal form for i-Connect users

LGS15 (MAIN) – Re-entry to the MAIN Section of the LGPS 

LGS15A (50/50) – Admission to the 50/50 section of the LGPS

LGS15D – Opt-out notification

LGS18 - Final Pay/APP Additional Information sheet

APP Calculator spreadsheet


Employer Estimate Request forms 


EST3 – Employer estimate request form for an active scheme member 

EST3 (i-Connect users) - Employer estimate request form for an active scheme member i-Connect users

EST4 – Employer estimate request form for a former scheme member

Member forms

LGS5 – Expression of Wish for payment of a Death Grant 

LGS6 – Co-habiting partner information form 

LGS10 – Election to opt in to the LGPS 

LGS10B – Election for re-entry to the MAIN Section of the LGPS 

Transferring Previous Pension Rights form and guide 

LGS5050 – 50/50 election form and factsheet 

Ill-Health Certificates 

LGS26 - Occupational Health Ill Health Retirement Certification for a Current (active) Employee 

LGS26B - Occupational Health Ill health Retirement Certification for a Deferred Beneficiary who ceased membership as an employee on or after 1 April 2008 and before 1 April 2014

LGS26C - Occupational Health Ill health Retirement Certification for a Deferred Beneficiary who ceased membership as an employee on or after 1 April 1998 and before 1 April 2008

LGS26D -  Occupational Health Ill health Retirement Certification for a Deferred Beneficiary who ceased membership as an employee before 1 April 1998 

LGS26F - Occupational Health Ill health Retirement Certification for a Deferred Beneficiary who ceased membership as an employee on or after 1 April 2014

3rd Tier Ill-heath certificates

LGS26E13rd Tier Ill Health Retirement Review Certificate for a Current  3rd Tier Pensioner where the cessation of employment occurred after 31 March 2014 – England and Wales – Review taking place 18 months after the date of cessation of employment

LGS26E2 3rd Tier Ill Health Retirement Review Certificate for a Suspended 3rd Tier Pensioner where the cessation of employment occurred before 1 April 2014 – England and Wales – Review taking place 3 or more years after the date of cessation of the 3rd tier pension

LGS26E3 3rd Tier Ill Health Retirement Review Certificate for a Suspended  3rd Tier Pensioner where the cessation of employment occurred after 31 March 2014 – England and Wales – Review taking place 3 or more years after the date of cessation of the 3rd tier pension

LGS26E43rd Tier Ill Health Retirement Review Certificate for a Suspended  3rd Tier Pensioner where the cessation of employment occurred after 31 March 2014 – England and Wales – Review taking place at the request of the member whilst the 3rd Tier pension is in payment or within 3 years after payment of the 3rd Tier pension has been discontinued

LGS26E5 3rd Tier Ill Health Retirement Review Certificate for a Suspended 3rd Tier Pensioner where the cessation of employment occurred before 1 April 2014 – England and Wales – Review taking place within 3 years of date of cessation of the 3rd Tier pension

Year-end guidance

Year-end return guide 2023

Year-end 2023 file template 

Employer Contribution Return 

Employer contribution return guidance (2024/2025)

Employer contribution return form (2024/2025)

Leave of Absence - Shared Cost APC documents

Leave of Absence Guide - Option to Buy Back contributions 

Leave of Absence employer template letters 

Leave of Absence list of employer actions

LGA employer administration guides

LGPS HR administration guide 

LGPS Payroll administration guide 

Other useful guides

Backdated Pay Award FAQs

Employer Liabilities and Costs within the LGPS